2022 Presidential Scholarships at New College of Florida.

The New College of Florida is providing the scholarship award amount of $15,000 per year for applicants in the USA.

At the New College, students learns how to think critically, communicate effectively, and solve problems. While technological advances and future discoveries will spawn new fields and create jobs that don’t exist yet, employers will still want graduates with these core skills.

The College was founded in 1960 as a private college, joined University of South Florida in 1975, then achieved independence as a public university in 2001. New College has remained loyal to its mission and values over the years while adapting to the changing needs of generations of students.

At New College, you’ll find a personal and collaborative learning environment, where faculty and students engage in in-depth exploration of ideas and subject matter, and where students have the freedom to chart their own academic course and prepare for their future career. Located on a beautiful 110-acre campus on sunny Sarasota Bay, New College provides an ideal learning environment for intellectually curious, motivated students who thrive on active learning and are drawn to an intellectually rigorous curriculum. Our student-centered academic mission and affordable state tuition consistently attract high rankings and praise from U.S. News & World Report, The Princeton Review, and Forbes.



Eligibility criteria for the Presidential Scholarships at New College of Florida

  • Applicants must be overseas students who are going to enroll in the undergraduate degree programme.
  • Applicants must be overseas students who are going to enroll in the undergraduate degree programme.
  • Applicants must hold a previous degree certificate with excellent marks.
  • If English is not your native language, the minimum TOEFL score for admission is 560 (paper test) or 83 (internet-based test). The minimum IELTS score is 6.5.


Eligible Countries:International


Value of Award:$15,000 per year

Number of Awards:Not Mentioned


Method of Application:Applicants are required to enroll in the undergraduate degree programme via a new college application or the common application.

Application Deadline:April 1.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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